Saturday, December 19, 2009

These Newer Times................

A sense of something being amiss marks my days. I am leading a very busy life but am not sure what my life is leading me to.
Despite my calm, or rather, enthusiastic demeanour, a storm, threatening absolute anarchy and chaos, is brewing within me.
There is a state of Anomie, of utter normlessness, that I am existing with. And normlessness, not because of the absence of values, of ideas, but because of there being too many of them. I am, in a way, lost in the woods, but all the same, unsure of the paths that seem to present themselves. The sense of a lost glory overcomes me as I traverse the path that is most accessible, or in mediocre parlance, the most travelled.


  1. sumtyms jst jet-setting to your goals, though the ideal is not what our soul the tym to pause and ponder within ourselves. The values and ideas that you feel u hav aplenty are prescribed fr "all" and sundry.There is always sumthng that ONLY you need and u r da sole person who knows what it is. Failing to find it out might in all probability result in a lifetime of success deprived of a soul-satisfactory moment.
    Dive deep and find that which will complete the "amiss"...n yes..don't get lost !!!

  2. The time to pause and ponder has been a life-long process.......And it is because I have paused and pondered too often, that I find myself in such a state.......The values and ideas that I have gathered through all these musings....are certainly not for all and sundry.....these are ideas not of stupid second handers like Chetan Bhagat and Robin Sharma......but of intellectual giants like Kafka, Ayn Rand, Bertrand Russell, Amartya Sen, Gurcharan Das n the like....These are the people who ideas I like to associate with and it is while doing so that I find numerous contradictions in how to go about life......Life seems too short to practice each philosophy at a different time......and thus m in search for something more inclusive, more rational and more stimulating.....I think Anonymous has not gauged the true nature of my worries......My moment of being deprived of something soul-satisfactory is now, my dear friend.......and it is haunting me like hell...............Life seems so much without much much like Sisyphus just rolling the stone up the hill, only to see it fall back again..........
